How to Be Less Stuck in the Past & More Present Today

There isn’t anything wrong with looking back on your past. It’s how everyone learns and grows. Whether you have things in your past that you’re proud of or things you would rather forget, it’s not uncommon for people to get “stuck” there. 

Unfortunately, being stuck in the past can make it difficult to grow. It also makes it harder to focus on the present and take advantage of the things going on around you right now. 

So, while it’s okay to look back on the past and know you’ve learned from it, if you find yourself drifting back there more often than not, you may want to start putting strategies in place that can help you to be more present today. 

Let’s go over a few strategies you can start right now. 

Make Goals for Yourself

It’s easy to focus on the past, especially if you feel like you were more accomplished then than you are now. But, you won’t have anywhere to go or anything to work for in the present if you don’t have clear goals for yourself. 

Goals give you something to think about in the future, but you put in the work for them now. They require you to focus on the present and what you’re doing in order to create a better future for yourself. 

Don’t let yourself get too comfortable in the present. That makes it easy to drift back to the past and think about the things you’ve done. Instead, continuously challenge yourself and do things that make you step out of your comfort zone. 

Be More Mindful

Mindfulness is more than just a buzzword getting thrown around these days. It is actually an effective technique that can not only help you focus on the present but can reduce your stress levels. 

Mindfulness is simply the practice of being fully in the moment. Many people associate it with meditation, and the two certainly can go hand-in-hand. Even for just a few minutes a day, focusing on your breathing and how you feel at any given moment can help to calm your nerves and increase your focus on the present. 

When you practice mindfulness, thoughts will continue to come and go, and that’s fine. But, instead of holding onto them, you can let them go like clouds drifting away. 

Try New Things

One of the best ways to get out of the past is to try new things and open yourself up to new ideas. Many times, people focus so much on their past because they aren’t willing to change their mindset. 

It can feel a little overwhelming at first, to try something new. Or, to change your mind about something. But, the more you open up your mind, the more opportunities you will see. 

Create the right environment for yourself in order to develop new ideas and do new things. By staying in the same place, going to the same locations, and spending time with the same people, you likely won’t be pushed out of your past. It’s up to you to make changes and get “unstuck”. 

In fact, people can make a big difference in how stuck in the past you truly are. You don’t need to change your circle of friends. But, consider how the people you spend your time with might be holding you back. It’s important to be around people who support you now and push you to be your best, not hold you back in your past. 

Focusing on the present can help you to live a more fulfilling life. When you do feel more present, you can also feel more at peace. Plus, you can start to look toward the future and challenge yourself, rather than resting comfortably in your past. 

For more help, please read more about anxiety treatment and contact me soon for a consultation.